The Traveller

Traveling thrills me. I am an acid traveler, domestically and internationally. There is a saying in my mother tongue that she who has not travelled thinks it’s only her mother who knows how to cook. Travelling has got me out of the box. It has made me aware of the expansive nature of God’s world and God’s people. I have been to all continents of the world, some several times. I have been to over seventy countries. I have been to several African countries and many counties of Kenya. I have met many people
and savored many cultures. I have enjoyed moments in the air, up above the clouds and been amazed at how infinite the universe is.

 I have watched in awe the sun set over oceans, mountain and hills. I have sailed on oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. I have trekked through thick bushes and forests, and wandered in wilderness. I have watched animals both in their natural environments as well as in cages and museums. Travelling has opened my mind and my eyes. People and places have mesmerized me beyond what words can express. I feel thankful for all the travels l have done, and look forward to many more.