The Seeker

I am a restless and tenacious seeker. When l was growing up, my mother thought that my curiosity and thirst to know and understand about life, people and things would get me into trouble. I have in particular been a spiritual seeker. 

I have taken a path that helps me to discover who l am in this wide, wild world. My seeking is connected to the faith I inherited form my maternal grandmother, down through my parents. I seek to know God and His nature as a triune God.

This led me to pursue my doctorate in Ministry and then become ordained as a Minister. As l grow older, my interest in organized religion is diminishing. I seem more inclined to spiritual practices that nourish my mind, body, mind, heart and soul in new and fresh ways. These include quiet time, prayer, silence, retreats, study of Holy Scriptures and people, connecting with nature and holding deep intimate conversations that enhance healing , compassion and inner peace.

Tapping into a deeper sense of knowing to understand the underlying meaning behind my thoughts and actions and those of people around me is a pursuit I love and value. I originate, develop, and also deliver programs and processes that help me and others to pursue inner peace and healing.